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The BMBF funding guideline “BiodivKI” aims to validate, expand and comprehensively analyze the existing database on biodiversity loss using AI.

BiodivKI Projects

Ongoing projects of the funding guideline "Artificial Intelligence Methods as a Tool for Biodiversity Research"

Research projects of the guideline “Methods of Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Biodiversity Research” (BiodivKI) started

Biodiversity is the basis for the economy, global food security and quality of life. It provides key ecosystem services and important resources. However, the condition of these ecosystems is deteriorating rapidly – with serious consequences for the core areas of supply, value creation and quality of life for entire countries. AI and digitalization have the potential to make a significant contribution to safeguarding biodiversity and open up new avenues that could not be explored without them.

With the funding measure “Methods of Artificial Intelligence as an Instrument of Biodiversity Research” (BiodivKI), the BMBF is pursuing the goal of using AI and digitalization to increase understanding of the highly complex and highly dynamic relationships of biological diversity and ecosystems and thus achieve progress in species conservation. Particular attention is paid to the networking of computer science and biodiversity, AI-supported analysis of biodiversity loss and AI-based monitoring. The funding measure also aims to encourage public participation (citizen science) in order to give researchers access to new data, perspectives and impetus.

14 projects have now entered a one-year conception phase within this guideline. They are looking for innovative solutions based on digitalization and AI for the challenges in biodiversity research. In addition to automated species recording, the integration of additional data sets, the analysis of long time series and spatial dynamics as well as comprehensive network analyses of future application areas and objectives are of great importance.

The scientific projects funded in the FEdA flagship initiative are listed below.
Please note that the links that are mentioned here will be forwarded to pages that are currently available in German only.

AI4WildLIVE | Citizen portal, archive and analysis tool for multimodal monitoring data

Bi-O-Ton | Biodiversity assessment of biotope types through machine learning based on citizen science sound recordings and satellite images

LEPMON | Recording the biodiversity of moths (Lepidoptera) with automated camera traps and artificial intelligence

BioIntAkt | Biodiversity factor measurement with intelligent acoustic sensors

BioMLAgrar | Biodiversity, machine learning and agriculture

BioWaWiKI | Potentials of using artificial intelligence to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services in protected areas of water management

FluBioKI | Airborne monitoring of insects using fluorescence and AI image processing

GEBIKI | Linking genomics and remote sensing through AI to efficiently capture the entirety of biodiversity

iForest | AI-based integration of remote sensing and citizen science data to derive biodiversity in forests

IQ-Wasser | AI-supported recording and forecasting of biodiversity and water quality in drinking water reservoirs

KICS-Zert | AI and citizen science-supported monitoring of certified biodiversity projects

MikroKIez | Observation and prediction of microbial diversity and its interactions with the environment using artificial intelligence

NatureAI | Automatic detection of biodiversity in national natural landscapes using deep learning methods

SmartPatrol | More efficiency against poaching through AI – dynamic real-time optimization of protected area patrols

An overview of the funding measure can be found on the website of the framework program “Research for Sustainable Development – FONA”, the text of the official funding guideline on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).