Further Projects Within FEdA Network

AMMOD – A “Weather Station” for Biodiversity

In the AMMOD project (Automated multisensor station for monitoring species diversity), new techniques are being adapted and brought together to automatically record biodiversity.

BIBS – Bridging in Biodiversity Science (completed)

The BIBS (Bridging in Biodiversity Science) project addressed neglected interfaces between disciplines in biodiversity research, involving the public through citizen science.

DINA – Diversity of insects in nature conservation areas

DINA (Diversity of Insects in Nature Conservation Areas) is a joint research project to investigate insect decline in Germany.


What are the positive and negative health effects of urban biodiversity? Can the health benefits be enhanced by optimizing park designs, for example? This is what the GreenBalance – Health Effects of Urban Biodiversity project is investigating as part of the BMBF funding measure “Junior Research Groups Climate, Environment and Health”.


Pollen can cause severe symptoms in allergy sufferers. POLARISE – Prediction of Pollen Allergy Symptoms and New Allergens with Changing Biodiversity is investigating potentially highly allergenic pollen from new plants emerging in Germany as a result of climate change as part of the BMBF funding measure “Junior Research Groups Climate, Environment and Health” to develop a warning system.