
Projects in the "BiodiWert" Funding Guideline

Ongoing Projects in the Main Phase (as of 2022)


In the funding measure “Valuing and Securing Biodiversity in Politics, Business and Society” (in short: “BiodiWert”), 17 projects are currently being funded that increase the value of ecosystem services and biodiversity at the corporate and societal level through the development of innovative valuation concepts, governance structures as well as (policy) measures – and thus effectively contribute to securing biodiversity. An overview of the funding measure can be found on the website of the framework program “Research for Sustainable Development – FONA“, and the text of the official funding guideline on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The currently funded scientific project details are given below:

BioDivKultur | Biodiversity Cultures in Urban and Rural Areas – Integrative Research to Promote Insect Diversity in Green Spaces.

Bio-Mo-D | Valuing Biodiversity – on the Modernization of Business Reporting in Germany

BioVal | Biodiversity Valuing & Valuation

BioWaWi | Biodiversity and Water Management

BiTe | Biodiversity Beyond the Horizon

Blaupause-LWS | Development of NLG (Nachhaltiges Lebensmittelgesetz) as an Analogy to the EEG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) of the Energy Industry

CAP4GI – CAP for Diverse Landscapes | Levers and Potentials in the Common Agricultural Policy for Better Support of Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

ECO²SCAPE | Co-design of Ecologically and Economically Efficient Policy Instruments and Measures for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Cultural Landscapes

gARTENreich | Preferences and Barriers for the Design of Species-rich Private Gardens

GiBBS | Holistic Biodiversity Management in the Building Materials Industry: Strategies and Measures for the Protection of Biodiversity in the Context of Raw Materials Extraction

GOBIOM | Design Options for Economically Viable Biodiversity-promoting Dairy Production Systems in the Organic Model Regions Freiburg and Ravensburg

Grassworks | What Are Successful Concepts for Restoring Species-rich Grasslands in Germany? A Multi-regional Assessment of Socio-ecological Systems and Pilot Implementation

HoMaBiLe | „How much is the dish?“ – Measures to Increase Biodiversity Through True Cost Accounting for Food Products

REWILD_DE | Conservation of Biodiversity and Valorization of Ecosystem Services Through Rewilding – Learning from the Oder Delta

SLInBio | Dragonflies, Stag Beetles, Bumblebees & Co.: Urban Lifestyles and the Valorization of Biodiversity

TeichLausitz | Safeguarding Biodiversity Through Sustainably Managed Pond Landscapes in Lusatia

ValuGaps | Comprehensive Valorization of Natural Capital in Germany: Approaches and Methods for Dealing with Scarce Information and Uncertainties