Faktencheck Artenvielfalt

Transformation potentials for biodiversity conservation

In recent years, the need for transformation has been mentioned more and more frequently in debates about sustainability. However, it is often unclear what exactly needs to be transformed and with which objective, which instruments should be used to structure such a transformation process, what knowledge would be required, or who the winners and losers would be.

In our chapter “Transformation potentials for biodiversity conservation”, we aim to provide possible answers to these questions, with a focus on restoring, conserving, and enhancing biodiversity. A central part of this process will be the evaluation of economic and policy instruments, as well as of mechanisms regulating direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity change. We also want to analyze the importance of change in awareness as an element for transformation and identify ways to promote this change. Using case studies of successful transformations, we analyze the mechanisms used to overcome implementation obstacles related to biodiversity conservation and assess the transferability of experiences. We will use analyses of the scientific literature, for example to present the status of scenario development and modeling in Germany, but we will also use so-called “gray” literature as well as transdisciplinary cooperation to ensure the relevance of our results for practice.


Information about the team can be found on the German page.