“Designing the European Research Landscape to Reverse the Trend in Biodiversity Loss and to Achieve Sustainability”
The major global challenge for humankind is to achieve a system transformation towards sustainability in all of its three dimensions: “Prosperity” (economic issues), “People” (social issues) and “Planet” (environmental issues). Only if we resolve the conflicting goals of economic prosperity, peaceful coexistence and the preservation of nature, it will be possible to stop the loss of biodiversity, as well as climate change and environmental pollution and thus to safeguard human well-being.
The complexity of addressing this global challenge is well illustrated by the difficult and protracted negotiations of the various UN Conferences of the Parties on climate change and on biodiversity. As IPBES (Annex II to decision IPBES-8/1, 2021) rightly points out: “transformative change for nature and people presents specific challenges as it involves the consideration of science-based and indigenous and local knowledge-based understandings of biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, together with normative ethics, different worldviews and collective values about visions of a sustainable future.” Moreover, the required transformative change needs to cover and consider all spatial scales, from local to global, as well as all temporal scales, from short-term (<decades) to long-term (>100 years).
The science and funding landscape must also align itself with this transformative change and undergo a corresponding transformation itself to overcome its strong disciplinary tradition. This necessity is well reflected by Albert Einstein’s famous statement:
“You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them.”
It is precisely here, in the development of new planetary thinking (as outlined for instance by Dipesh Chakrabarthy, 2021) and of options for integrative sustainable system pathways (in the sense of IPBES, see above), where there is the mega-challenge for science today. To meet this mega-challenge, we need a major transformation of the traditional sustainability research design and research funding to foster new thinking and approaches. More specifically, the European Green Deal and the efforts to implement the European Biodiversity Strategy and to achieve the UN SDGs should be accompanied by a re-design of the European and national research landscape which complements the classical (and still necessary and relevant) disciplinary and interdisciplinary research concepts with
A) national and European research programs which foster transdisciplinary, systemic (i.e. nexus-oriented) and transformative research on
- planetary thinking, including global justice and stewardship, and consequent holistic approaches ranging from the micro- to the macroscale
- analysis and modelling of complex social-ecological systems, based on planetary thinking,
- options for synergistic sustainable system solutions based on planetary thinking,
B) funding and evaluation schemes adequate for transformative transdisciplinary research, including long-term studies and strong partnerships with relevant stakeholders, reinforcing the sustainability goals,
C) transdisciplinary and systemic education, training and PhD-programs preparing for and promoting planetary thinking and transdisciplinary systemic sustainability and transformative research,
D) broad research initiatives to explore and harness the potential of digitalization, open science and advanced data science and technologies to develop options for integrative system solutions for sustainability and corresponding transformation pathways (see UNESCO Recommendations on Open Science, 2021),
E) innovative dialog formats between science, policy and administration, the private sector, and the general public to initiate societal negotiation processes in contentious decision-making situations, beyond sudden crises such as the Covid19-pandemic,
F) “governance experiments” that allow testing different sets of regulations at landscape scales, accompanied by transdisciplinary systemic sustainability and transformation research.
Based on these ideas we propose national and European transdisciplinary workshops (i.e. including stakeholders) to explore options for adapting the funding and research landscape toward promoting and strengthening planetary thinking, transdisciplinary and systemic sustainability and transformation research, and supporting local to global system transformation to sustainability for the future that we want and need. These workshops should also help to further develop a fair research environment for researchers.
Adopted at the European FEdA-Conference “Biodiversity and Human Well-Being – Europe’s Role in Shaping our Future” on November 11, 2022.
Name | Affiliation |
Volker Mosbrugger | Former Director General of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research / Spokesman of FEdA |
Julian Taffner | Head of the Central Coordination Office of FEdA |
Philipp Sprenger | Central Coordination Office FEdA |
Julia Heinz | Hochschule Osnabrück / Wuppertal Institut |
Josef Settele | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
Iris Weiche | Ministry for Rural Development BW |
Johanna Berger | BioDivKultur, TU Darmstadt |
Janina Kleemann | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, Fachgebiet Nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung |
Margarita Hartlieb | BioDivKultur, TU Darmstadt |
Birte Hauser | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Jody H. Voges | Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin |
Khalil Ali | The Urban Unit, Lahore |
Jan Eberhardt | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Sonja N. K. Daum | BiodivKultur, TU Darmstadt (Philosophie) |
Anita Kirmer | Hochschule Anhalt |
Gitte Kragh | Aarhus University / NORDECO |
Aidin Niamir | Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute |
Thomas Jahn | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research |
Nicole Nöske | Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change |
Dirk Steinke | University of Guelph |
Angelika Brandt | Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt |
Julian Wendler | Technische Universität Dresden |
Berta Martin-Lopez | Leuphana University |
Gisela Wachinger | Dialogik gemeinnützige GmbH |
Patrycja Romaniuk | Graduate School for Social Research of Polish Academy of Sciences |
Maria Kernecker | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Research |
Andre Lindner | TU Dresden, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Asimina Skouteri | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - Dimitra |
Nikolas Lioupis | University of Ioannina |
Edwin Ogar | Wise Administration of Terrestrial Environment and Resources Worthy Association for Tackling Environmental Ruins |
Marc Deconchat | INRAE-Dynafor |
Holger Pabst | Institut für ländliche Strukturforschung, Frankfurt a. Main |
Tobias Plieninger | University of Kassel and University of Göttingen |
Karsten Grunewald | Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) |
Simone Markoff | University of Basel |
Marina Moser | Universität Hohenheim |
Yu-Shan Lin Feuer | TU Dresden |
Heba Elsalahy | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) |
Vladimir Gross | Central Coordination Office FEdA |
Floriane Clement | INRAE |
Birgit Gemeinholzer | University Kassel |
Amibeth Thompson | University Freiburg |
Peter Manning | University of Bergen |
Patrick Trötschler | Lake Constance Foundation |
Sarah Velten | adelphi research gGmbh |
Twan Stoffers | Wageningen University & Research |
Cornelia Krug | Universität Zürich |
Christian Schleyer | University of Kassel / University of Innsbruck / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Diana Hummel | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research |
Jenni Lehtimäki | Finnish Environment Institute |
Alexandra Lux | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research |
Stefan Liehr | ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research |
Malwina Schafft | Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) |
Flurina Schneider | ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung |
Sophie Tudge | University of Surrey |
Brigitte Braschler | Universität Basel |
Bina Perl | Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt (Main) |
Julia Intemann | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Nadja Simons | BioDivKultur, TU Darmstadt |
Susanne Henne | Manager One Health Research Centre (OHRC), Universität Greifswald |
Luigi de Gaudenzi | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Ulrike Damm | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Patrick Mäder | Technische Universität Ilmenau |
Christian Reichel | Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Netzwerk Naturwissen |
Henrik Krehenwinkel | Trier University |
Jörg Overmann | Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von MIkroorganismen und Zellkulturen |
Moritz Sonnewald | Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt, Germany |
Diana Bowler | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology |
Nico Eisenhauer | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Leipzig University |
Peter Grobe | Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change |
Péter Batáry | Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary |
Kai Neumann | Consideo |
Fatima Lehnhardt-Lambarraa | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) |
Martin Wiemers | Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut |
Karsten Rinke | Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Department Seenforschung |
Genevieve Walther | TU Darmstadt, BioDivKultur |
Gregor Scheiffarth | Nationalparkverwaltung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer |
Katrin Böhning-Gaese | Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre / Goethe University Frankfurt |
Anita Kirmer | Hochschule Anhalt |
Hans Jürgen Hahn | Universität Koblenz-Landau |
Antoine Guisan | University of Lausanne |
Lydia Beuck | Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research |
Sven Bacher | University of Fribourg |
Helge Bruelheide | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biology and Botanical Garden |
Christian Wirth | German Centre or Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Leipzig University |
Jonas Zimmermann | Freie Universität Berlin, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin |
Maria J. Santos | University of Zurich |
Vera Schreiner | Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg |
Sascha Nick | EPFL |
Alexandra-Maria Klein | University of Freiburg |
Franz Essl | University Vienna |
Marion Mehring | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany |
Bernd Hansjürgens | Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ |
Anna Cord | ECO²SCAPE, Chair of Computational Landscape Ecology, TU Dresden |
Claudia Pahl-Wostl | Osnabrück University, Institute of Geography and Institute of Environmental Systems Research |
Franziska Tanneberger | Greifswald University / Greifswald Mire Centre |
Katrin Vohland | Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
Tino Degenhardt | Karlsruher Institute of Technology |
Christian Hof | Technical University of Munich |
Thomas Sattler | Swiss Ornithological Institute |
Nina Farwig | University of Marburg |
Christian Ristok | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Leipzig University |
Johannes Meka | Senckenberg Society for Nature Research |
Henny-C. Grewe | Hochschule Anhalt |
André Mascarenhas | Universität Stuttgart |
Christine Fürst | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
Eva Spehn | Swiss Biodiversity Forum, SCNAT |
Julia Osterman | University of Freiburg |
Raphaël Arlettaz | Conservation Biology Department – University of Bern, Switzerland |
Georg Niedrist | University of Innsbruck |
Sara Leonhardt | Technical University of Munich |
Thomas Drapela | Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL Österreich |
Aletta Bonn | Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research- UFZ/ German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) / FSU Jena |
Oliver Pinto | OpintO Inc. |
Monika Egerer | Technische Universität München |
Georg Zizka | Senckenberg Research Institute Frankfurt and Goethe University |
Matthias Braun | Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz |
Andreas Bruder | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland |
Matthias Vögeli | Swiss Ornithological Institute |
Brigitte Martin | BUND Darmstadt |
Matthias Tschumi | Swiss Ornithological Institute |
Tobias Pape | grünweg - Projektmanagement & Beratung |
Sonja Jähnig | Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Tim Nattkemper | Bielefeld University |
Desiree Jakubka | Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena |
Jörg Freyhof | Museum für Naturkunde |
Rüdiger Grebe | Wanderbeauftragter der Stadt Bad Berleburg |
Michael Weber | Sanobis GmbH |
Benjamin Burkhard | Leibniz University Hannover |
Greta Theilen | Universität Rostock |
Lennart Stein | Greifswald University / Project HoMaBiLe |
Lisanne Hölting | TU Dresden |
Stefan Wötzel | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Anne Findeisen | IdentMe GmbH |
Christian Rixen | WSL |
Barbara Ebert | German Federation for Biological Data |
Aji Suhartoyo | Nicolas Copernicus University |
Martin Schlaepfer | University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Aletta Bonn | Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ / Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) |
Carola Greve | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Stephanie Jahn | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig |
Angela Turck | University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - International Center for Sustainable Development |
Julian Richard Massenberg | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
Ioana Alexandra Patru-Duse | Leuphana University |
Anneke Beylich | IFAB Institut für Angewandte Bodenbiologie GmbH |
Rosa Hildebrandt | TeichLausitz, Internationales Hochschulinstitut (IHI) Zittau, TU Dresen |
Kathrin Januschke | University of Duisburg-Essen |
Daniel Müller | Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) |
Thomas Roedl | TU Munich |
Stefanie von Fumetti | University of Basel/Department of Environmental Sciences |
Victoria Grießmeier | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Mechthilde Falkenhahn | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Carsten Nowak | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |
Christian K. Feld | University of Duisburg-Essen |
Tobias Schulz | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research (WSL) |
Tanja Straka | Technische Universität Berlin |
Doreen Babin | Julius Kühn Institute |
Laila Ries | Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst, Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft |
Finn Rehling | University of Freiburg |
Eva Rahner | Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity / Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |